Slimming nutrition: Lose weight through diet

If you are looking to lose weight and have a flat stomach, having a good diet is the basis of everything. If you have no knowledge of nutrition, we have put at your disposal a whole documentary base to teach you how to eat well. We also give you all the tips to lose weight with the things to do but also not to do.

Balancing your meals

How to balance your meals

Everyone will tell you, eating a balanced diet is the basis for losing weight. But even if you are aware of this, rebalancing your diet is not necessarily easy because you do not always know what to eat. Let's take stock together in a dedicated folder.

Comment équilibrer ses repas

The caloric deficit

Understanding the calorie deficit to lose weight

To lose weight quickly and sustainably, you will have to put yourself in a calorie deficit. But what is it and how to do it? If you have never been interested in the calories contained in what you eat, then our article will be of great help to you.

Comprendre le déficit calorique pour maigrir

Stop snacking

How to stop snacking

Snacking is the sworn enemy of any weight loss phase. It can destroy all your efforts to lose weight. But then how to give in to your cravings to eat between meals, and stop snacking for good? The answer in our article.

Comment arrêter de grignoter ?

What to eat to lose weight?

What to eat to lose weight

Losing weight doesn't necessarily mean stopping eating. On the contrary, your body has needs that the diet must cover every day. If there are foods to avoid, there are also foods to consume to accentuate weight loss. We explain that eating to lose weight in the following article.

Que manger pour maigrir ?

Eating vegetables to lose weight?

Should you eat vegetables to lose weight

In the imagination of many people, vegetables are synonymous with diet and weight loss. But what is it really? Is it possible to lose weight without eating vegetables, or are they essential if you want to lose a few sizes of pants? We'll explain everything.

Faut-il manger des légumes pour maigrir ?

Eat less and slim down

Should we eat less to lose weight

What's on your plate has a direct impact on your weight gain or loss. But to what extent do the amounts of food we eat have an impact or not on a slimming goal ? Together, let's dissect the true from the false in this dedicated folder.

Faut-il manger moins pour maigrir ?

Detox foods

The Best Detox Foods

In a diet program to lose weight, the term detox is very important. It purifies some important organs so that they keep maximum efficiency. Some foods have detoxifying properties naturally. Let's see together which ones.

Les meilleurs aliments détox

Eating well at the office

How to eat a balanced diet in the office

When you are at work, it is sometimes complicated to keep a balanced diet, especially when you want to lose weight. However, there are simple tricks to implement so that lunch at work is not synonymous with junk food. Consult our file to learn more.

Comment manger équilibré au bureau ?

Sodas and weight gain

Why sodas make you fat

It's no surprise to anyone: Sodas make you fat. But on the other hand, few people really know why. Besides the sugar present in sodas, there are other facts that make sodas not help to lose weight, far from it. Let's see why together.

Pourquoi les sodas font-ils grossir ?

Drinks that make you fat

The 10 drinks that make you fat the most

In your goal of losing weight and having a flat stomach, you probably have several questions about nutrition. What to drink or not to drink to lose weight is an important question. Here are some answers to help you make the right choices.

Les 10 boissons qui font le plus grossir

Vegetables that make you lose weight

10 vegetables that make you lose weight

We all consume vegetables in a different way. Knowing that they all have different properties, as part of a desire for weight loss it is interesting to look at the vegetables that make you lose the most weight. Here is a complete file with the 10 slimming vegetables par excellence.

10 légumes qui font maigrir

Green tea

Green tea: Slimming and detox drink number 1

It's hard to talk about weight loss without talking about green tea! This drink famous for losing weight has 1001 assets to seduce you. In order to identify all the slimming properties of green tea, here is a complete file about it!

Le thé vert : Boisson minceur et détox numéro 1


Does coffee make you lose weight

Coffee is a drink widely consumed in France and all over the world. It is believed to have slimming properties, mainly because of the caffeine it contains. But is this really accurate or is it a popular belief? Does coffee make you lose weight ? Answer in our file.

Le café fait-il maigrir ?

Do not eat in the evening

Do not eat in the evening to lose weight: A good idea

Often, we tend to think that in the evening we risk storing more fat if we eat a lot before sleeping. Based on this observation, some say that not eating in the evening helps to lose weight. True or false? To find out, read our special report!

Ne pas manger le soir pour maigrir : Une bonne idée ?

Avoid prepared dishes to lose weight

Why avoid prepared meals to lose weight

When you don't have time to cook, do you let yourself be tempted by a prepared dish? What if we told you that these industrial dishes are both bad for health and also for the line? If you want to lose weight prepared dishes are a very bad idea, and that's why …

Pourquoi éviter les plats préparés pour maigrir ?

Squeezed lemon

The benefits of lemon squeezed in the morning to lose weight

Among the detox or slimming foods that exist, lemon holds a special place. Multifaceted food, do you know that it is very interesting to drink the juice in the morning? Lemon squeezed in the morning to lose weight, a file to read below.

Les bienfaits du citron pressé le matin pour maigrir

Breakfast and weight loss

What to eat at breakfast to lose weight

You all know that breakfast is an important meal. But when you want to lose weight, its composition becomes important. So how to compose your breakfast when you want to lose weight ? Find all the information in our article.

Que manger au petit déjeuner pour maigrir ?

Bread and weight gain

Does bread make you fat?

Carbohydrates are the center of attention when it comes to losing weight. What is the place of bread in all this? Does it make you fat? How much and especially what type of bread to choose when you want to slim down? We give you all the answers in our article on bread and weight gain.

Le pain fait-il grossir ?